Data Analytics - Visualization

Data Visualization

Comparison of different charts

Plotting a Line Chart

A line graph plots continuous data as points and then joins them with a line. Multiple data sets can be graphed together, but a key must be used.

The structure of the command line is:

Example: A line chart to display number of students enrolled in Undergraduate and Post Graduate


Plotting a Bar Chart

A bar graph displays discrete data in separate columns. A double bar graph can be used to compare two data sets.

The structure of the command line is:

Example: A bar chart to display number of students enrolled in Undergraduate and Post Graduate in each Specialisation

	    df[['Graduate _ UnderGraduate','Graduated_Post Graduate']]

Plotting a Pie Chart

A pie chart displays data as a percentage of the whole. Each pie section should have a label and percentage. A total data number should be included.

The structure of the command line is:

Example: A pie chart to display total number of students enrolled in each specialisation

	    df['Total Enrolled'].plot.pie()

Enhancing the Chart - Example

Create a bar chart with title and change colours
	     chart = df[['Graduate _ UnderGraduate','Graduated_Post Graduate']]'Enrolled Students',color=["Blue","Green"])
Change the x and y label

Summary of Pandas Commands

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Date of last modification: 2021